Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Fruits of the spirit

After a long emotionally exhausting day, a kind simple yet real and generous gesture of Val just made me smile and felt everything is worth it! She has grown into a very sensitive, generous and thoughtful young lady! 

Her friend gave her two hello kitty stuff toys and she wanted to share one with her sister. But she felt that Gab will feel 'jealous' and left out. So she wants to use her hard earned tokens to buy Gabriel , his coveted toy!  When I see their smiles, their pure love for each other, I know all the frustration and difficulties are part of this beautiful package. When I persevere and learn to enjoy the process of moulding them into fine young godly adults, I will see the fruits one day, especially the fruits of the spirit! I must finish my race for this season. I need to cultivate an environment for them to bloom and I need Him to teach me along the way! 

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