Monday, May 16, 2016

Miracles everywhere

I kind of forget this pain till I watched this movie....tears just flowed so profusely.  

My firstborn had Distended Stomach when she was less than a month's old infant too... She was puking so much and could not pass motion. Her tummy was so bloated. Her  paediatrician Ordered us to bring her to the hospital immediately . Invasive procedures were done to help to clear her bowels....The doctors told us to get ready for surgery and pray for her so that surgery can be avoided for such a young baby.....thank God she didn't need it though a diagnosis wasn't given... Then my second born went thru surgery when she was three.. And healed her chronic inconsolable crying.... This movie speaks so much , i can totally relate that pain that the mum went thru' and the miracles that she talked about. The pain that literally tear your heart apart when u see your child suffers ... And the helplessness, loneliness and intense pain ...

Indeed everyday is a miracle , a smile, a hug, a love extended, an encouragement given , a family eating together ....

Praying dad

We 'met' daddy on the road! And the first thing he said was we interrupted his prayers!!! Lol 

I Can't be thankful enough for a such a supportive dad who stands by me unwaveringly and prays faithfully for all of us along his journeys!! 

This is my positive dad going strong at 72, all ready to work with joy and vigor! Sometimes I wonder where he gets this energy!!!  Indeed the joy of the Lord is our strength!!!! Keep smiling daddy!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Miracles everywhere

I kind of forget this pain till I watched this movie....tears just flowed so profusely.  

My firstborn had Distended Stomach when she was less than a month's old infant too... She was puking so much and could not pass motion. Her tummy was so bloated. Her  paediatrician Ordered us to bring her to the hospital immediately . Invasive procedures were done to help to clear her bowels....The doctors told us to get ready for surgery and pray for her so that surgery can be avoided for such a young baby.....thank God she didn't need it though a diagnosis wasn't given... Then my second born went thru surgery when she was three.. And healed her chronic inconsolable crying.... This movie speaks so much , i can totally relate that pain that the mum went thru' and the miracles that she talked about. The pain that literally tear your heart apart when u see your child suffers ... And the helplessness, loneliness and intense pain ...

Indeed everyday is a miracle , a smile, a hug, a love extended, an encouragement given , a family eating together ....

When I don't feel like praying for Him

Trust me , there was a season of our marriage that I struggle so much to pray for my dear hubby! I was so overwhelmed with three very young children and homemaking is against my 'natural' self.... I needed to be out , I needed fresh air, people and life! But I persisted in honesty and humility as well as tons of complaints during that trying season. I surrendered my struggle, burden and pain everyday to the only one who knows every details of my life and I even journaled those tearful prayers down. Now when I look back , I see Jesus fill me with what I was looking for and restored my marriage from water into wine!!!