Saturday, July 25, 2015

Marriage is like a cactus

We have created our very own history , story and legacy. Like any other journeys, we had our fair share of ups and downs in those countries that we resided.  We rejoiced over the birth of our firstborn, Val but we also mourned over my two miscarriages in Shanghai. Then we had our toughest journey in parenting when Ven and Gab came along after the painful lost.  As we awed by God's gifts, we struggled emotionally, physically and mentally to handle three young munchkins, all ages less than 5! Then, we sought each other's comfort when Ven went for her first surgery when she was 3! We troubled over her growth and her mysterious incessant wailings every midnights! 

But we took it with stride and perseverance, of course with a pinch of fierce fights!  Slowly we build our wonderful intentional family memories together with our three gorgeous children. Now, we truly enjoy our beautiful family that we know we don't deserved. We have so much flaws, baggages, weaknesses and inadequacies. Grace is the gift that He has given us! Apart from Him, we can do NOTHING.  

We went through those challenges together, learning and overcoming each storms with ugly wounds and bruises that healed eventually. Our love deepened gradually, our beliefs and dreams for our family slowly emerged, our unwavering support for each other strengthened as we sailed through those inevitable storms. We have come so far,  our relationship is like CACTUS.  They are strong and resilient in the toughest environments . Likewise, our marriage is like this cactus. As long as we fix our eyes on Jesus , we will triumph over numerous surprised storms that come our way.  
Happy and blessed 14th Anniversay my dearest hubby!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Learning to hold my tongue

Spills happen very often with kids. Yet every time it happens, it is not easy to control the immediate autopilot frustration. Ven froze and her eyes showed sheer fear. I took a deep breathe and Val immediately took napkins for me. I held my tongue and just cleared the mess quietly. I learnt to show grace like our Heavenly Father but with a straight face ....😕 

Motherhood is a daunting task yet it humbles me tremendously. I know I'm improving and I will do better the next time! Scream first , then smile!! Lol

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Customized tutorials

Ok, hope this worksheet will get Ven's attention and help her to understand the math concepts! Btw, Gab helped me with the batman! Cool!

Wine session

Always look forward to hear gems of wisdom from my dad!!! During this wine 'session' with my dad, he just shared " DUN take my kindness as my weakness , just because of my love! I'm not a soft guy! "  indeed this is so true!!! I'm so sure that I inherited that!!!!

Carrot cake and Mr daddy

Dearest daddy just created wonderful carrot cake memories with the kiddos this morning!!! They were helping dad to slice carrot cakes and beat the eggs!! They were brimming with pride, n elated with excitement ! Good job Mr daddy !!! 👍

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Keep thinking positive !!!

Two days ago, I saw two of Val's netball teammates before their match. So I gave a short as usual pep talk to the girls like what I always say to Val. Then they replied :" now we know why Val is so positive!"  That warms my heart so much till today cos this is what I wanted to instill in Val since young, a strong sense of optimism, hope and positivity!  Yesterday, I saw her encouraging the junior girls as well. And I still can't help smiling when I think about how she inspires her teammates! I'm so proud of this princess!!! Well done baby!!!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Happy daddy's day!

I'm extremely thankful that my hubby is such a wonderful and involved dad!!! I know because of his loving and strong presence , they will grow up confident, secured and very affirmed. 

I miss my dad so much during my growing up years.  So Mum had to double up and I was uncontrollable!!! He was an extremely hardworking and sacrificial dad who had to work overseas to provide for our family. I'm eternally grateful for his sacrifice that I have a better life, awesome education and great standard of living.  But we lost many good intangible years that money can't buy.  So I told my husband that I rather have less, but a family that stays together. 

I'm so grateful that my hubby makes invaluable time for our children. Sometimes hearing their sheer laughter and seeing them just being together make me miss my dad. I wished I had it when I was younger too.  My dad realized the importance of family time , he finally returned and worked for less during my teenage years. I can't explained how significant it was to me!!! 

Now, I can't thank my dear hubby enough for helping me to raise our children cos I believe I can't do it alone.  I can never replace his fatherly presence.  Thank u dearest ah Lao, u are their super hero!

Happy blessed Father's Day!!! May our Lord bless u with wisdom, favor and joy as u raise them up with His grace , wisdom, love and joy!

A date with this pretty princess!

My precious princess's love language is spending time. And just bringing her out alone for a quick 'just two of us' date during the JB trip, she was so thrilled. She did not whine for anything except to see this sugar glider ( looks like a small hamster ) and she was beaming from ear to ear after that. 

I wanted to shop but I realized I needed to show her that she mattered more.  After the short 1 hr date, she planted a long kiss on my cheek! I know I have deposited love into her love bank! Worth it and priceless!

A date with this young man

Have not dated my dear son for such a long time. It was in my agenda to date them individually this June holiday.  Ta da!!! Finally our special one to one mother and son date!!!! 

Gab was elated since we planned this date few days ago. He loves durian and he couldn't eat it at home bec her two sisters hate it! So I actually reserved 2 D13 durians from this famous durian seller! I'm sure this will be one of our most memorable and pungent special date ever!!! We also had wonderful ice cream time as well just talking n laughing!

Happy blessed birthday princess!

Happy blessed birthday my dearest princess!!! U literally throw me a curve ball every other day,  but because of these 'intensive training', our bonding has grown stronger! My dear, life has its ups and downs, remember to go on a high road and trust that our Heavenly Father has great plans for u, plans to prosper u and not to harm you!  
May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May the Lord make his face to shine upon you, 
and be gracious to you.
May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, 
and give you peace!!!

Believe in yourself and I know u are born for such a time as this!! Keep the bright yellow pony that mummy had specially made for u , and be reminded you are indeed my sunshine!!! Always believe that something wonderful is going to happen!!! Shine princess shine!!! 

Agape luv mummy