Thursday, May 29, 2014

Answered prayer

This provocative book has provided me insights into how to parent my children.

I have a clearer direction this year after years of praying, protesting and negotiating with God about this homemaking job. It seems so mundane, and difficult to gauge its success. 

Finally , I found the exact traits that I want to inculcate in my kids. A stronger purpose to stay in this 'job'. It is spelt out more clearly and I can see it in a bigger picture now.  

I want to parent with a purpose, immense joy and godly direction. I want to inculcate traits like grit, gratitude, forbearance, kindness, self control, gratitude, zest, optimism, social intelligence, curiosity, discipline, boldness. Hmmm it is indeed quite a long list!  

I have a better idea how to get this started systematically and purposefully; maybe more role play, deliberate discussion, purposeful reading of books n watching movies concerning this traits! I'm so excited !!!! 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Our beautiful memories at RWS!

We started our annual Sentosa staycation 4 years ago when Gabriel was only 2 years old! Our luggages were like a week's overseas vacation! We had to bring diapers, milk bottles, pacifier, strollers and my emergency first aid kit!  My hubby lamented why did I plan such an exhausting trip then!  

But after we started this tradition, we realized it brought us priceless memories and opportunities to bond! We were trapped as a family in one sense, and we were forced to just enjoy each other without other distractions. We had more time looking into each other eyes, holding each other's hands and hearing each other attentively. Indeed, we gained more than we lost!!!  Now I know I can look back with rich memories and I believe those moments had bonded us closer than ever!!! 

I always believe a family is strong because every member intentionally does his/ her part to make time for each other; little activity by little activity, we create a strong bond that builds this resilient heartwarming family. And I know our family bond is strengthened again just through these intentional planned trips to RWS! These trips may not be the perfect holiday, but definitely it had created our very own real fond memories for our family!

Resort World Sentosa has created nostagic memories, a tradition, a history , a legacy for our family over these years!  

Time to bond again

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Creative teaching!

Found a way to engage this girl!!!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Awesome bonding time!

Val and her Roo rainbow loom

Val ran to me so thrilled announcing her victory! She made this Roo kangaroo all by herself without any tutorial! She was brimming with pride!!  And that's what I want my children to have, this sense of pride and achievement!! 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

My daughter billed me.

The cost of your order excluding GST will be:
You will receive you order on:
13 May 2014 Wed
Thank you

Sunday, May 11, 2014

My motherhood journey

Have u felt like a lousy mum? I have... As much as I strive to be the best that I can be, there are times I just felt my best is not good enough. In fact, I was just sobbing the night before mother's day! A day supposed to be celebrated. I felt tremendous guilt for failing my 'job' as a mother. A name that sometimes still 'shocked' me. I have lost my cool so many times especially this year. I literally hear my own yelling almost everyday! And for a mum whose child never really put on weight since day 1, that stress and burden weigh me down subtly these years. I felt like I'm swimming against a current. 

Every mum has her unique set of struggles, and her very own weaknesses to overcome. Yet being a mum is still the best thing that happened to me. I learn to let go worldly expectations, my own critical assessments and remind myself to run at my own pace. It is easier said than done. I'm still improving in this area. I may not be the fastest, the 'coolest', the wealthiest, the smartest, the BEST, but I am enjoying the process, and finishing this race with joy, confidence and style!!! I need to focus what I really want my kids to be; to know our Father intimately and all things will fall in nicely...... 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Fruits of the spirit

After a long emotionally exhausting day, a kind simple yet real and generous gesture of Val just made me smile and felt everything is worth it! She has grown into a very sensitive, generous and thoughtful young lady! 

Her friend gave her two hello kitty stuff toys and she wanted to share one with her sister. But she felt that Gab will feel 'jealous' and left out. So she wants to use her hard earned tokens to buy Gabriel , his coveted toy!  When I see their smiles, their pure love for each other, I know all the frustration and difficulties are part of this beautiful package. When I persevere and learn to enjoy the process of moulding them into fine young godly adults, I will see the fruits one day, especially the fruits of the spirit! I must finish my race for this season. I need to cultivate an environment for them to bloom and I need Him to teach me along the way! 

Monday, May 5, 2014

Circling Ven

Lord, I need to let go n let u do the heavy lifting. I want to trust the favor of u to help Ven to eat better and more in terms of quantity, to help her in her academics and character development. Show me what to prepare for her meals, and teach me how to teach her in ways that she may comprehend.  Sometimes I feel a rise of my anger towering when she has a bad attitude. Lord, give me words that will mark her identity in Christ! Let the favor of you engulfs her! Teach me the power of praying circles around these Issues, and remind me to covert my instant anger into a prayer! 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

A complaint letter

complaint SMS
Excuse Mr Tan, I'm writing this SMS to bring your attention that your girl was taking her own sweet time to eat breakfast n lunch almost very other day. She also had a very bad attitude during her math revision!  I request you kindly look into the matter with immediate attention and do not disturb your wife concerning it. Thank you! 

Our junior swimmers!

Internal restructuring

Due to some internal restructuring, I am not allowed to attend my annual overseas homemaker conference this year!! One of our junior associate was promoted early this year (primary 1) and she is still relatively new in her job portfolio. She needs very close supervision and is currently undergoing on-the-job training. Our immediate goal is to have a thoroughly-trained associate who can contribute to our team and able to work independently and confidently! So with these new work procedures, I am denied of this opportunity to acquire new knowledge and to experience hands on training overseas!!! 

Thank you Lord for watching Val!

Looking at baby pics, it brings back raw memories of my first born, Val. As a first time mum, I was inexperienced with this tiny human, which did not arrive with a instruction manual.  She was a very difficult baby. She drank a little n puke like Merlion which was medically named as projectile vomiting. Two weeks after she was born, we brought her to see a PD in the night after I had that incessant uneasy maternal instinct. Upon examination, PD felt something was really wrong with her. So we admitted Val in the hospital in the middle of the night. 

The one week was an ordeal and excruciating for us, this barely two weeks old parents to bear.......she was traumatised when tube had to be inserted to her colon in and out to help her to defecate. My heart broke as I supported her in those procedures. PD told us to pray for her as she might needed a surgery to correct her nerve endings.  Thoughts of this tiny infant to go under a knife was beyond what a mum can bear..... 

My dad went to the chapel immediately. He knelt there for a long time interceding for his tiny granddaughter. We all prayed earnestly. Finally, the doctors just released her and told us to just use suppositories to help her temporary. That was one of the greatest relief we had. With that slightly light heart, we went home to fight a good fight against colicky wars...., stinky messy clean up cos she couldn't defecate on her own... By her 6 month, She was healed completely and miraculously!  Things turned around almost instantly.  Soon after that recovery,  we even relocate to Shanghai when she turned 8 months! And we stayed for 3 years there! 

Now as I look back, I'm filled with awe and gratitude how God has delivered her and watched over this strong princess. She has grown up into one fine young thoughtful and godly lady, all ready to shine for Him and blessing others along her way to dream big!!! What a privilege to be her mum!  Indeed it is AMAZING GRACE!!