Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I NEED SANITY!!!! This homemaker job is NO DOUBT one of the toughest job in the world. Not only this it is a no pay, no leave, no intellectual and social stimulation job, it is also a job that is constantly harassed by your loved ones. No wonder not many mummies do not want to take up this role as it requires lots of self motivation, prayers, self talk to convince oneself it's long term investment. Sometimes I feel like quiting when my patience, love and joy seems running so low. Somehow it seems that your children bullies you perpetually! And it is so hurting and frustrating that u feel so defeated after a long fight especially with a terrible two toddler who insists her rights all the time. Power struggles fights with loved ones are the most exhausting........What I like to do during such low time is get my latte, or escape to the bathroom and have a hot bath, call a friend and complain, watch my Hongkong drama series, pray, or even writing blog. Writing this blog helps me to keep things in a right perspective, to see my life in a bigger picture. So sorry if u feel a little bored here.....hee hee cos It is A way for me to regain equilibrium for my IMMEDIATE sanity and to continue to work " effectively" as a mother and wife.......THANK YOU so much for encouraging friends who believe in me and have assisted my sanity recovery program!!!!!

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