Saturday, March 14, 2009

My Sweet hubby, ah lao

Yes, I addressed him ah lao cos we have been married for so long. Whoa, yes a DECADE! I want to grow old with this man and still be madly in love with him. BUT I know this take 3 to make it happen. God, my ah lao and myself. This divine marriage is hard work and it is worth all the time, effort and money to invest in. The first thing I need to remind myself is to learn to remember my hubby's effort to show me his WAY of love. I usually forget conveniently when I really mad with him, and yet become a instant historian about his past mistakes.... I know I'm being so unfair and unreasonable. SO NOW, I want to practice to remember actively all the good conscious effort he has shown me the past few years! Thank you my dear ah lao!!!!

1. Bought me flowers when he was away and thank me for taking care of our children when he went for oversea assignment.
2. Bought me Tiffany ring, bracelet, necklace
3. Bought me spa and facial package when we were in Shanghai
4. Bought me SKII when he went overseas assignment recently
5. Took leave on my birthday and spend the entire day with me
6. Bought snacks for me when I complained incessantly about being a homemaker
7. Allow me to buy Non essential stuff and go for coffee breaks when I'm down
8. Let me have my western kind of breakfast even though he prefers mee poh than bacon and egg.
9. Accompanied me during my night shifts.
10. Let me sleep till late morning to catch up the lapses
11. Called periodically and asked about my " survival state"
12. Gave me surprised a diamond ring on Christmas. I actually cried cos I really wanted him to propose to me again when he forgot how he did it in the first place!
13. Bake me a birthday cake long long time ago.
14. Let me sleep on his lap for straight 5 hours during our ride back from States to Canada.
15. Hugged me and hold be tight when I needed comfort recently.
16. Cried when he thought I was lost in a snow storm in canada.
17. Bought me food when I had my internship in the hospital.
18. Bought me dough nuts specially for me after I gave birth to Venecia and Gabriel
19. Bought me muffins/ or my favourite la po bing occasionally.
20. Pays for the household bills
21. Spends time with our children
22. Runs errands for our family.
23. Provides plenty of money for food, clothings , toys and my lattes
24. Fetches Venecia and Valerie and me from school
25. Brings valerie to her enrichment classes
26. Spends more undivided time with me.
27. Works hard to provide becon for this family
28. Wakes up every night to pacify Venecia
28. Cooked me Mee suah when I was down with chicken pox in Canada
29. Fetched me when I'm out for my facial
30. Planned how to celebrate our ten year wedding anniversary
31. Makes effort to listen attentively not selectively
32. Comes back for dinner
33. Remembers my birthdays, anniversaries
34. Picked me up from my depression when I was so down in Canada
35. His thoughtfullnes during my 1st pregnancy esp when we went Mt Buller in Melbourne
35. Joined me for lunch dates in Shanghai
36. Bought issurance policies for all of us
37. Bought me a laptop
38. Bought me a handphone recently

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