Sunday, December 2, 2007


Sometime I wonder Am I cut out for this job. Mothering doesn't come so natural to me and it takes tremendous effort for me to enjoy mummyhood! Yet the truth is I wouldn't trade it for even a million bucks!!! Motherhood has helped me to see the REAL me which is pretty shocking. Never ever thought that I'm so impatient, so fierce, so quick tempered, so unorganized, so explosive yet so creative, so flexible, and so selfless.

My job as a STAYHOMEMUM is arduous for me to imbibe even though this is my fifth year. This job is a 24/7/365 work, NO PAY, NO LEAVE AND NO benefits or year end bonus! Most importantly, it is a job that is NOT very recognised, undervalued, unpaid and lonely! The truth is U hardly have a sensible adult talk except to your equally exhausted hubby who dreads to talk or even listen to u at the end of the day! And the worst thing is my talk over the phone usually gets interrupted all the time and I resorted to bending rules like giving sweets, chocolates and extended TV time just to continue a long hungered meaningful and adult conversation!

I have dreams and goals that are yet to achieve and who knows when I can. Yes it is a CHOICE. And I have chosen this path to be a SAHM. But I know this phase is a relative SHORT time for me to be committed to my children.

I remember vividly that I was praying earnestly at the corner of my daughter's bedside when she was hospitalised for projectile vomiting. We were told that she might need surgery to correct her intestines when she was barely 1 month! Thank God that she finally did not have to go through that and somehow we were told just to bring her HOME. So the story is....I blessed with two beautiful healthy children who will only be so tiny and needy for such a short time. I know I can give my BEST shot for them and try my BEST to give them my TIME NOW.

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