“The real ability of a mother to secure a spiritual legacy is based on the strength of her relationship with her child. As we tenderly care for our children, meeting their needs, teaching them and guiding them, praying for them and modeling our faith we are also anchoring their hearts to our home, our values and our beliefs. These ties are built over a period of many years, through the small ways we spend the minutes of our days and large ways in which we celebrate the momentous events of our lives.”(Mission of Motherhood, Sally Clarkson)
The mother who reaches the HEARTFELT NEEDS of her children by helping them feel loved and secure, by believing in their dreams, by noticing when they stray and gently steering them back in the right direction, and by teaching them what they need to know to live full and meaningful lives accomplishes a great work for the Lord.” (Mission of Motherhood, Sally Clarkson, pg 14)
I was ONCE again confused over my role as a mother recently till I reread Sally’s books about the mission of motherhood that I wasn’t alone in my confusion, my uncertainty as well as fear. But what truly consoled me was what she said.” As a woman now pushing fifty, I realize that those foundational years in the life a child – those same years when I sometimes thought I was accomplishing NOTHING – have a LASTING effect on almost every aspect of the rest of that child’s life”
So this deeply affirmed what is in my heart. I may not see the tangible RESULTS NOW that measure my SUCCESS as a mother, I know it WILL PAY OFF EVENTUALLY, in a long run…… my CURRENT role is motherhood and that means that .” I am to follow the Lord’s design for my marriage – cleaving to my husband , supporting him, honoring him, loving him as my own flesh and I am to shepherd the hearts of the children whom he has providentially placed in my care.” (Mission of Motherhood, Sally Clarkson, pg 14)
I am indeed blessed to have parents who support my decision to be a homemaker, especially my dad who sacrificed so much just to send me to overseas universities. He NEVER thought that my current role as a homemaker is a waste of all the money and energy that he has spent on me. On the contrary, he gladly supports my role and thrilled to see me excel as a wife and mother serving my family!
I have to keep a clear mindset about what our culture honors and what our Father in heaven honors. Yes, there were so many times that I was swept away by societal norms about today’s mothers…to live your dream and leave your child with a stranger so that I could climb the pay scale, or what u called the cooperate ladder, afford vacations and materialism.
I have to resolve the two conflicted drives of my hearts – my commitment to motherhood Versus my lurking desire to have life my OWN WAY. My divided heart was tearing me apart. I’m thankful that God to spoke to my heart about my confusion, He sent Sally to clarify my current role, and season of life. At least I know being a mother is a FULL TIME JOB, though demanding, exhausting, devalued, it is deeply fulfilling. I can give my primary attention and calls for an intentional commitment, not whatever is left over after a busy day at the office. I must remember clearly that loving my children, protecting them, and building them into a godly heritage is a life’s work worth more than any MONEY, or STATUS I might find in a career.
I decided to follow Sally’s words….
“ I needed to accept days like this – my children’s NEEDINESS, the myriad mindless tasks, and even my own occasional discomfort- as part of my partnering with my husband toward our mutual goal of building a godly heritage for Christ. I needed to nurture my children with my songs, my words, and my physical labor, treating each as sacred in their development toward becoming healthy, mature adults. I needed to face the reality that all of the “important stuff” I was longing to do had far less eternal significance than what I was involved in doing. If I didn’t commit myself wholeheartedly to the demands of motherhood, I would never be able to do my best, because my heart would ALWAYS BE SOMEWHERE ELSE.” (Mission of Motherhood, Sally Clarkson, pg 45)
Wow, this is what I wrote in my diary some time back..... hee hee I think I'm STILL TRYING VERY HARD to be committed. What an arduous task to follow Sally's example. Just DO it, one day at a time!
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