Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
An extract of my Motherhood hardcopy diary.....
When My Eldest girl was 4 years and 3 mths. May 2007

“The real ability of a mother to secure a spiritual legacy is based on the strength of her relationship with her child. As we tenderly care for our children, meeting their needs, teaching them and guiding them, praying for them and modeling our faith we are also anchoring their hearts to our home, our values and our beliefs. These ties are built over a period of many years, through the small ways we spend the minutes of our days and large ways in which we celebrate the momentous events of our lives.”(Mission of Motherhood, Sally Clarkson)
The mother who reaches the HEARTFELT NEEDS of her children by helping them feel loved and secure, by believing in their dreams, by noticing when they stray and gently steering them back in the right direction, and by teaching them what they need to know to live full and meaningful lives accomplishes a great work for the Lord.” (Mission of Motherhood, Sally Clarkson, pg 14)
I was ONCE again confused over my role as a mother recently till I reread Sally’s books about the mission of motherhood that I wasn’t alone in my confusion, my uncertainty as well as fear. But what truly consoled me was what she said.” As a woman now pushing fifty, I realize that those foundational years in the life a child – those same years when I sometimes thought I was accomplishing NOTHING – have a LASTING effect on almost every aspect of the rest of that child’s life”
So this deeply affirmed what is in my heart. I may not see the tangible RESULTS NOW that measure my SUCCESS as a mother, I know it WILL PAY OFF EVENTUALLY, in a long run…… my CURRENT role is motherhood and that means that .” I am to follow the Lord’s design for my marriage – cleaving to my husband , supporting him, honoring him, loving him as my own flesh and I am to shepherd the hearts of the children whom he has providentially placed in my care.” (Mission of Motherhood, Sally Clarkson, pg 14)
I am indeed blessed to have parents who support my decision to be a homemaker, especially my dad who sacrificed so much just to send me to overseas universities. He NEVER thought that my current role as a homemaker is a waste of all the money and energy that he has spent on me. On the contrary, he gladly supports my role and thrilled to see me excel as a wife and mother serving my family!
I have to keep a clear mindset about what our culture honors and what our Father in heaven honors. Yes, there were so many times that I was swept away by societal norms about today’s mothers…to live your dream and leave your child with a stranger so that I could climb the pay scale, or what u called the cooperate ladder, afford vacations and materialism.
I have to resolve the two conflicted drives of my hearts – my commitment to motherhood Versus my lurking desire to have life my OWN WAY. My divided heart was tearing me apart. I’m thankful that God to spoke to my heart about my confusion, He sent Sally to clarify my current role, and season of life. At least I know being a mother is a FULL TIME JOB, though demanding, exhausting, devalued, it is deeply fulfilling. I can give my primary attention and calls for an intentional commitment, not whatever is left over after a busy day at the office. I must remember clearly that loving my children, protecting them, and building them into a godly heritage is a life’s work worth more than any MONEY, or STATUS I might find in a career.
I decided to follow Sally’s words….
“ I needed to accept days like this – my children’s NEEDINESS, the myriad mindless tasks, and even my own occasional discomfort- as part of my partnering with my husband toward our mutual goal of building a godly heritage for Christ. I needed to nurture my children with my songs, my words, and my physical labor, treating each as sacred in their development toward becoming healthy, mature adults. I needed to face the reality that all of the “important stuff” I was longing to do had far less eternal significance than what I was involved in doing. If I didn’t commit myself wholeheartedly to the demands of motherhood, I would never be able to do my best, because my heart would ALWAYS BE SOMEWHERE ELSE.” (Mission of Motherhood, Sally Clarkson, pg 45)
Wow, this is what I wrote in my diary some time back..... hee hee I think I'm STILL TRYING VERY HARD to be committed. What an arduous task to follow Sally's example. Just DO it, one day at a time!
“The real ability of a mother to secure a spiritual legacy is based on the strength of her relationship with her child. As we tenderly care for our children, meeting their needs, teaching them and guiding them, praying for them and modeling our faith we are also anchoring their hearts to our home, our values and our beliefs. These ties are built over a period of many years, through the small ways we spend the minutes of our days and large ways in which we celebrate the momentous events of our lives.”(Mission of Motherhood, Sally Clarkson)
The mother who reaches the HEARTFELT NEEDS of her children by helping them feel loved and secure, by believing in their dreams, by noticing when they stray and gently steering them back in the right direction, and by teaching them what they need to know to live full and meaningful lives accomplishes a great work for the Lord.” (Mission of Motherhood, Sally Clarkson, pg 14)
I was ONCE again confused over my role as a mother recently till I reread Sally’s books about the mission of motherhood that I wasn’t alone in my confusion, my uncertainty as well as fear. But what truly consoled me was what she said.” As a woman now pushing fifty, I realize that those foundational years in the life a child – those same years when I sometimes thought I was accomplishing NOTHING – have a LASTING effect on almost every aspect of the rest of that child’s life”
So this deeply affirmed what is in my heart. I may not see the tangible RESULTS NOW that measure my SUCCESS as a mother, I know it WILL PAY OFF EVENTUALLY, in a long run…… my CURRENT role is motherhood and that means that .” I am to follow the Lord’s design for my marriage – cleaving to my husband , supporting him, honoring him, loving him as my own flesh and I am to shepherd the hearts of the children whom he has providentially placed in my care.” (Mission of Motherhood, Sally Clarkson, pg 14)
I am indeed blessed to have parents who support my decision to be a homemaker, especially my dad who sacrificed so much just to send me to overseas universities. He NEVER thought that my current role as a homemaker is a waste of all the money and energy that he has spent on me. On the contrary, he gladly supports my role and thrilled to see me excel as a wife and mother serving my family!
I have to keep a clear mindset about what our culture honors and what our Father in heaven honors. Yes, there were so many times that I was swept away by societal norms about today’s mothers…to live your dream and leave your child with a stranger so that I could climb the pay scale, or what u called the cooperate ladder, afford vacations and materialism.
I have to resolve the two conflicted drives of my hearts – my commitment to motherhood Versus my lurking desire to have life my OWN WAY. My divided heart was tearing me apart. I’m thankful that God to spoke to my heart about my confusion, He sent Sally to clarify my current role, and season of life. At least I know being a mother is a FULL TIME JOB, though demanding, exhausting, devalued, it is deeply fulfilling. I can give my primary attention and calls for an intentional commitment, not whatever is left over after a busy day at the office. I must remember clearly that loving my children, protecting them, and building them into a godly heritage is a life’s work worth more than any MONEY, or STATUS I might find in a career.
I decided to follow Sally’s words….
“ I needed to accept days like this – my children’s NEEDINESS, the myriad mindless tasks, and even my own occasional discomfort- as part of my partnering with my husband toward our mutual goal of building a godly heritage for Christ. I needed to nurture my children with my songs, my words, and my physical labor, treating each as sacred in their development toward becoming healthy, mature adults. I needed to face the reality that all of the “important stuff” I was longing to do had far less eternal significance than what I was involved in doing. If I didn’t commit myself wholeheartedly to the demands of motherhood, I would never be able to do my best, because my heart would ALWAYS BE SOMEWHERE ELSE.” (Mission of Motherhood, Sally Clarkson, pg 45)
Wow, this is what I wrote in my diary some time back..... hee hee I think I'm STILL TRYING VERY HARD to be committed. What an arduous task to follow Sally's example. Just DO it, one day at a time!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
How to be a Happy person?
I just received this quote from my customer and I'm convicted!
The happiest people dun need to have the
BEST of everything;
they make the MOST of everything they have.
How often I have become so complacent and felt that everything seems so wrong because I DUN have the BEST of everything. I have forgotten to be contented and grateful for WHAT I HAVE. Though some may not be the BEST, but yet I could make the MOST of what I have.......If I seriously think about it, it is adequate even for me to succeed! I guess we have to stop making excuses for ourselves for NOT succeeding or being HAPPY because we dun have the BEST BUT learn to cope with what we have or make the BEST out of it!
There are simply too many awesome things that God has graciously given me. I need to seriously reflect them, especially when the new year is coming real soon. I started a "tradition" of writing a list of grateful things that happened during that particular year. This tradition was "inaugurated" when we relocated to Shanghai four years ago. My first year over in this place with no family and friends support was the toughest, yet God still gave me lots of wonderful things to thank for! There were so may times that I felt I can't make it in that place, somehow we just pulled through till my husband finished his 3 years contract. In fact, I gradually grew to like that place even the traffic jams!
I have learnt that we just have to look for the treasure within the storms and believe that God has given us the BEST of everything we need to navigate suceessfully! Meanwhile just enjoy the rough ride as well!
The happiest people dun need to have the
BEST of everything;
they make the MOST of everything they have.
How often I have become so complacent and felt that everything seems so wrong because I DUN have the BEST of everything. I have forgotten to be contented and grateful for WHAT I HAVE. Though some may not be the BEST, but yet I could make the MOST of what I have.......If I seriously think about it, it is adequate even for me to succeed! I guess we have to stop making excuses for ourselves for NOT succeeding or being HAPPY because we dun have the BEST BUT learn to cope with what we have or make the BEST out of it!
There are simply too many awesome things that God has graciously given me. I need to seriously reflect them, especially when the new year is coming real soon. I started a "tradition" of writing a list of grateful things that happened during that particular year. This tradition was "inaugurated" when we relocated to Shanghai four years ago. My first year over in this place with no family and friends support was the toughest, yet God still gave me lots of wonderful things to thank for! There were so may times that I felt I can't make it in that place, somehow we just pulled through till my husband finished his 3 years contract. In fact, I gradually grew to like that place even the traffic jams!
I have learnt that we just have to look for the treasure within the storms and believe that God has given us the BEST of everything we need to navigate suceessfully! Meanwhile just enjoy the rough ride as well!
Monday, December 17, 2007
My eldest daughter and I used to do to these....
YES messy activities! But it was FUN. Sometimes life is equally messy...we just have to learn to enjoy them!

Eversince I tried to start a home internet business, I dun seem to have enough time for alot of things. I seem to be really overwhlemed by it. It is difficult to juggle time and somehow I know I'm not spending meaningful time for my two girls. I really hope I can do the same activities with my youngest girl as well. I know DEEP down in my heart that how time flies and I can never turn back the clock for them. I keep reminding myself to keep my piorities right...TO spend time with them ..yet it is so TOUGH!
My most recent conversation has been like this." Hey sweetie, just wait for a little while, mummy has to reply this email." Somehow this became endless....
Eversince I tried to start a home internet business, I dun seem to have enough time for alot of things. I seem to be really overwhlemed by it. It is difficult to juggle time and somehow I know I'm not spending meaningful time for my two girls. I really hope I can do the same activities with my youngest girl as well. I know DEEP down in my heart that how time flies and I can never turn back the clock for them. I keep reminding myself to keep my piorities right...TO spend time with them ..yet it is so TOUGH!
My most recent conversation has been like this." Hey sweetie, just wait for a little while, mummy has to reply this email." Somehow this became endless....
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
I received an email from my sister-in-law about strengthening our interpersonal relationships with just 3 powerful words. I can't agree often we are too busy, too cold, too tired, too prideful, too indifferent, too WHATEVER to use them!
I be there
I love u
I respect you
Maybe you're right
I forgive you
I thank you
Count on me
Let me help
I understand you
These are so effective, warm and encouraging WORDS, yet we are so stingy with them and I know I'm guilty of this. After the sudden death of my God-brother, I realised I have neglected many crucial relationships and took them for granted. I'm trying my best to catch up with them. BUT like any other mums who multitasked, I still juggle with this alot. HOWEVER my coming resolution will be at least to remember to use these 3 words SPARINGLY WITH A SINCERE HEART.
The person who wrote this email should be deeply blessed cos he/she reminds us that when these 3 simple words spoken or conveyed will deeply enrich relationships!
Have u use these words LATELY?
I be there
I love u
I respect you
Maybe you're right
I forgive you
I thank you
Count on me
Let me help
I understand you
These are so effective, warm and encouraging WORDS, yet we are so stingy with them and I know I'm guilty of this. After the sudden death of my God-brother, I realised I have neglected many crucial relationships and took them for granted. I'm trying my best to catch up with them. BUT like any other mums who multitasked, I still juggle with this alot. HOWEVER my coming resolution will be at least to remember to use these 3 words SPARINGLY WITH A SINCERE HEART.
The person who wrote this email should be deeply blessed cos he/she reminds us that when these 3 simple words spoken or conveyed will deeply enrich relationships!
Have u use these words LATELY?
Monday, December 10, 2007
Nurturing linked to brain development
Something that I found that was pretty profound.
Below is the extract from Child Developmental Psychology.
Nurturing linked to brain development
Experiments conducted on rats by Canadian researchers suggest that nurturing enhances neural connections in the brain and improves both memory and the learning of some tasks. The findings are a part of McGill University scientists' investigation into how one's environment affects the brain.
In this specific part of the study, university scientists examined how a mother's nurturing would influence brain development. McGill scientists divided 32 rats into two groups, with one group providing a high level of care to its offspring, including actions like stroking and grooming and another group that was less attentive in its mothering. The offspring that received attentive nurturing were able to perform certain tasks better such as finding a platform in a swimming maze.
Michael Meaney, endocrinologist and lead author of the study, reports that the findings are an indication of how nature and nurture foster brain development. "Activity of the genes is always influenced by the environment," reports Meaney. "And the most important feature of the environment for an infant is its mother."
So no wonder mummys have this tendency to feel guilty all the time!! We have so much to bear, the MASSIVE responsibility to nuture! Sometimes really wonder what have I done as mummy. I wish babies do give me a step by step instruction book to follow!
Below is the extract from Child Developmental Psychology.
Nurturing linked to brain development
Experiments conducted on rats by Canadian researchers suggest that nurturing enhances neural connections in the brain and improves both memory and the learning of some tasks. The findings are a part of McGill University scientists' investigation into how one's environment affects the brain.
In this specific part of the study, university scientists examined how a mother's nurturing would influence brain development. McGill scientists divided 32 rats into two groups, with one group providing a high level of care to its offspring, including actions like stroking and grooming and another group that was less attentive in its mothering. The offspring that received attentive nurturing were able to perform certain tasks better such as finding a platform in a swimming maze.
Michael Meaney, endocrinologist and lead author of the study, reports that the findings are an indication of how nature and nurture foster brain development. "Activity of the genes is always influenced by the environment," reports Meaney. "And the most important feature of the environment for an infant is its mother."
So no wonder mummys have this tendency to feel guilty all the time!! We have so much to bear, the MASSIVE responsibility to nuture! Sometimes really wonder what have I done as mummy. I wish babies do give me a step by step instruction book to follow!
An exersaucer for my little pumpkin
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Have u ever felt....
- extremely lonely
- painfully unheard
- perpetually inadequate
- terribly envious
- unexplained exhaustion
- explosive and uncontrollable anger
I can't believe I have been feeling so down and lousy lately. Can I attribute all these negative emotions to my raging hormones????
Of course there were days that I'm so hyped up but soon I see myself succumbed to the above feelings. Are all these symptoms of occupational hazard of a SAHM??
The truth is I have my good days is just these few days I have been feeling terribly lousy in my roles and somehow my sense of self-worth gets really shaken up. I know I should based my self-worth on God, yet circumstances sometimes tell u otherwise......
Thank God that I have You to fall on and I know I just have to return to the House of worship and God will turn things around. He doesn't sugar coat my circumstance, but I know I can DO ALL THINGS THRU" CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME and will give me the Wisdom to do the RIGHT thing. I know I have been rather foolish and uncontrollable Lord HELP ME!
- painfully unheard
- perpetually inadequate
- terribly envious
- unexplained exhaustion
- explosive and uncontrollable anger
I can't believe I have been feeling so down and lousy lately. Can I attribute all these negative emotions to my raging hormones????
Of course there were days that I'm so hyped up but soon I see myself succumbed to the above feelings. Are all these symptoms of occupational hazard of a SAHM??
The truth is I have my good days is just these few days I have been feeling terribly lousy in my roles and somehow my sense of self-worth gets really shaken up. I know I should based my self-worth on God, yet circumstances sometimes tell u otherwise......
Thank God that I have You to fall on and I know I just have to return to the House of worship and God will turn things around. He doesn't sugar coat my circumstance, but I know I can DO ALL THINGS THRU" CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME and will give me the Wisdom to do the RIGHT thing. I know I have been rather foolish and uncontrollable Lord HELP ME!
Thursday, December 6, 2007
My two gorgeous girls

Sometimes I wonder what would I be.....if I wasn't a mummy. I once had dreams too.... like having my own convertible (Oh yes, I actually like to have one very much!), having my own successful career in helping profession, touring at least half the globe, wearing my power suits and also helping the poor people in third world countries. Wow, I'm surprised with my list now as I try to recall them. The truth was I remembered my goal was to get married at 28 and have my first child only when I turn 30! Somehow, all these dreams were not realised at all!
So what am I doing currently. I'm in my T-shirts and shorts most of the time. I remember telling my hubby that I missed wearing power suits or at least being more dressed up. Then I joked about wearing them to do my house chores the next day! Hee hee that's professionalism!
This profession as a SAHM is difficult to quantify, how do u know whether u are successful? You do not have appraisal like in a coporate world. This was a question I once asked myself. But now I realised that was a silly question. I just need to know in my heart that I do my best to inculcate values and spend time during their crucial years when they need me! In reality, they NEED me when they are sad, scared, mad and glad, and these emotions usually happen 24 hrs a day. They do not hold their needs and wait only till when I knock off from work at 6pm and spend the so-called quality time during the last 2/3 hrs before they drift off to their dreamlands! From this point of view and I'm fortunate to be able to meet their emotional needs throughout the day and build this strong bonding.
Indeed my two girl have changed my life a very AWESOME and MEANINGFUL ways!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
My 7 Highly Effective Ways to Regain Sanity
Have you ever feel that you are operating on an OVERDRIVE mode most of the time? It seems that the constant juggling of many roles on a tight rope lead to sheer exhaustion and impending burnout or depression.
So I have came out with my own eclectic style to regain my sanity. In fact, this is my highly effective WAYS to balance my fluctuating mental health and recuperate from my fatigue.
1. Just do it NOW ; stop procrastinating
2.Divide and conquer; Break into smaller chunks and multi tasked
3. Conquer the biggest and most troublesome issue first. Esp for chores.
4. Dun be too hard on yourself; love myself more and stop accusing thyself!
5. Outsource domestic help!
6. Read uplifting and inspiring books
7. Go out and have my Latte!
So I have came out with my own eclectic style to regain my sanity. In fact, this is my highly effective WAYS to balance my fluctuating mental health and recuperate from my fatigue.
1. Just do it NOW ; stop procrastinating
2.Divide and conquer; Break into smaller chunks and multi tasked
3. Conquer the biggest and most troublesome issue first. Esp for chores.
4. Dun be too hard on yourself; love myself more and stop accusing thyself!
5. Outsource domestic help!
6. Read uplifting and inspiring books
7. Go out and have my Latte!
Books that truly inspired me
Books that deeply touched my heart recently.
1. Real moms Exploding the Myths of Motherhood by Elisa Morgan and Carol kuykendall. (I was able to relate well to those myths and was deeply encouraged by genuine views from REAL mummys!)
Like what the amazon reader said," If you're like me ~~ a mom of toddlers ~~ there are some days when you think you're going insane ~~ this book IS for you. This book is explosive in a positive way ~~ it is uplifting, encouraging and enlightening." A must read for mums who want to practical advice, spiritual guidance based on the Biblical scriptures in a light hearted way!
2. The Power of Positive Wife by Karol Ladd (wow, tips to turn a bittered wife to a more understanding and loving, most importantly less historian! I believe this particular book had given me valuable tips to improve my marriage and how REAL and common some experiences we face as WIVES!)
Amazon reader's feedback "This is an extremely valuable book for wives in many stages and many areas of success and difficulties in marriage."
3. For Women Only by Shaunti Feldhahn (Simply love this book as it provides POWERFUL INSIGHTS and thought provoking questions! A TEXTBOOK that I read over and over again! An Awesome book to reveal men's secretSSS! Don't be mad if your hubby turn to see a beautiful shapely woman, it is a natural response for them! )
This is a short summary about this TRUE findings about what MEN really think that were pretty shocking and accurate though u can't take these findings too literally. This is written by a newspaper columnist, a Harvard graduate with a Christian perspective, this fairly intelligent guide is based on systematic surveys and is explained with the clarity of social science. With no ground-breaking insights to report, it's all the more impressive that Shaunti Feldhahn manages to read the book with such verve and attentiveness to the material. With charm and sincerity, she offers a message that can't be repeated often enough-that sharing feelings and giving appreciation are necessary practices for a satisfying relationship with any man.
4. Blink the power of Thinking without Thinkingby Malcolm Gladwell (how biases influence us subtly and how automatic our thinking can be!)
From an amazon review: By Michael Erisman (Seattle, WA)
This review is from: Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking (Hardcover)
This is one of the most fascinating books I have read in some time. The book centers on the concept of how fast we really do make judgments, called "thin slicing", and how deeper analysis can sometimes provide less information than more. It is all about cognitive speed.
5. Mummy's locked in the bathroom by Karl Ladd (how true this is!So I am not the ONLY one! )
6. A Life Well Spentby Russ Crosson (Dramatically change my mindset, and priorities in Life and affirmed my decision to be a SAHM. A book that I strongly encourage my hubby to read and even highlightened tons of valuable insights for his easy reading.) This is written by a financial planner on financial stewardship that impart of eternity.
"A much deeper book than you might think - very good read, November 29, 2006 By Dan Panetti "Worldview Director" (Plano, TX USA) " Crosson also drives home the point that time, not money, is our most precious commodity - and something that cannot be purchased in any greater quantities than what others have regardless of our income or financial status - we all have 24 hours in a day to use how we choose - and if we are not deliberately carving our time for our posterity, training our children will be done in bits and pieces with a hit or miss strategy that is unreliable and detrimental to our children."
7. A Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren (wow, how lost I have been......)
Like what Mark A. Wuebben reviewed in the amazon review "Other than the Bible, this is the most important book you will ever read. If your heart is beating, whether you are a believer or not, the questions and issues raised in this important work will strike a cord or at the minimum induce serious introspection about the big questions in life. "
8. The Mission of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson ( This is my WOW book! A must read for mummys, a "truly-inspiring textbook" that I re-read many times to truly imbibe her advice and be encouraged!! )
What I found from the Amazon review abt this book: 5 of 6 people found the following review helpful!
Great insight on the true role of a mother, April 10, 2007
By Kim Mac "kim" (Texas) - See all my reviews
"Reading this book inspires me to try harder to be a better mother and to give my kids the best of me in the few short years that I have to mold their hearts. In this generation where so many mothers would much rather work than stay home and sacrifice their time and energy for the sake of their children, Sally Clarkson inspires those of us who have chosen full-time motherhood to hold up our heads and realize that we have chosen the most demanding and rewarding job on this earth. Sally reminds us that being a parent is a challenging job and full of opportunities for us to grow as well as our children. Through her personal tales of motherhood, she inspires us to look for the little opportunities to encourage our children and be an example for them. We do not all find ourselves with the same opportunities, but we can use our own environment and circumstances to create a home for our families that will nurture them and help them grow into responsible, caring and thoughtful Christians."
9. Children Learn what they Live by Dorothy Law Nolte (A easy to read book. Be careful what u say and do, mummys! They are watching us intently much more than we know!) From a BUSY mum who commented "you're busy and don't have a lot of time to read it, it's perfect for you. It is also a book that you can keep in your library as your kids grow older and then pass it onto them when they start!"
10. The World is Flat by Thomas L Friedman. (an eye opener! Shocking to hear how reading Xrays can be outsourced in India) Review
"Captivating . . . an enthralling read. To his great credit, Friedman embraces much of his flat world's complexity, and his reporting brings to vibrant life some beguiling characters and trends. . . . [The World is Flat] is also more lively, provocative, and sophisticated than the overwhelming bulk of foreign policy commentary these days. We've no real idea how the twenty-first century's history will unfold, but this terrifically stimulating book will certainly inspire readers to start thinking it all through."--Warren Bass, The Washington Post
Books that deeply touched my heart recently.
1. Real moms Exploding the Myths of Motherhood by Elisa Morgan and Carol kuykendall. (I was able to relate well to those myths and was deeply encouraged by genuine views from REAL mummys!)
Like what the amazon reader said," If you're like me ~~ a mom of toddlers ~~ there are some days when you think you're going insane ~~ this book IS for you. This book is explosive in a positive way ~~ it is uplifting, encouraging and enlightening." A must read for mums who want to practical advice, spiritual guidance based on the Biblical scriptures in a light hearted way!
2. The Power of Positive Wife by Karol Ladd (wow, tips to turn a bittered wife to a more understanding and loving, most importantly less historian! I believe this particular book had given me valuable tips to improve my marriage and how REAL and common some experiences we face as WIVES!)
Amazon reader's feedback "This is an extremely valuable book for wives in many stages and many areas of success and difficulties in marriage."
3. For Women Only by Shaunti Feldhahn (Simply love this book as it provides POWERFUL INSIGHTS and thought provoking questions! A TEXTBOOK that I read over and over again! An Awesome book to reveal men's secretSSS! Don't be mad if your hubby turn to see a beautiful shapely woman, it is a natural response for them! )
This is a short summary about this TRUE findings about what MEN really think that were pretty shocking and accurate though u can't take these findings too literally. This is written by a newspaper columnist, a Harvard graduate with a Christian perspective, this fairly intelligent guide is based on systematic surveys and is explained with the clarity of social science. With no ground-breaking insights to report, it's all the more impressive that Shaunti Feldhahn manages to read the book with such verve and attentiveness to the material. With charm and sincerity, she offers a message that can't be repeated often enough-that sharing feelings and giving appreciation are necessary practices for a satisfying relationship with any man.
4. Blink the power of Thinking without Thinkingby Malcolm Gladwell (how biases influence us subtly and how automatic our thinking can be!)
From an amazon review: By Michael Erisman (Seattle, WA)
This review is from: Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking (Hardcover)
This is one of the most fascinating books I have read in some time. The book centers on the concept of how fast we really do make judgments, called "thin slicing", and how deeper analysis can sometimes provide less information than more. It is all about cognitive speed.
5. Mummy's locked in the bathroom by Karl Ladd (how true this is!So I am not the ONLY one! )
6. A Life Well Spentby Russ Crosson (Dramatically change my mindset, and priorities in Life and affirmed my decision to be a SAHM. A book that I strongly encourage my hubby to read and even highlightened tons of valuable insights for his easy reading.) This is written by a financial planner on financial stewardship that impart of eternity.
"A much deeper book than you might think - very good read, November 29, 2006 By Dan Panetti "Worldview Director" (Plano, TX USA) " Crosson also drives home the point that time, not money, is our most precious commodity - and something that cannot be purchased in any greater quantities than what others have regardless of our income or financial status - we all have 24 hours in a day to use how we choose - and if we are not deliberately carving our time for our posterity, training our children will be done in bits and pieces with a hit or miss strategy that is unreliable and detrimental to our children."
7. A Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren (wow, how lost I have been......)
Like what Mark A. Wuebben reviewed in the amazon review "Other than the Bible, this is the most important book you will ever read. If your heart is beating, whether you are a believer or not, the questions and issues raised in this important work will strike a cord or at the minimum induce serious introspection about the big questions in life. "
8. The Mission of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson ( This is my WOW book! A must read for mummys, a "truly-inspiring textbook" that I re-read many times to truly imbibe her advice and be encouraged!! )
What I found from the Amazon review abt this book: 5 of 6 people found the following review helpful!
Great insight on the true role of a mother, April 10, 2007
By Kim Mac "kim" (Texas) - See all my reviews
"Reading this book inspires me to try harder to be a better mother and to give my kids the best of me in the few short years that I have to mold their hearts. In this generation where so many mothers would much rather work than stay home and sacrifice their time and energy for the sake of their children, Sally Clarkson inspires those of us who have chosen full-time motherhood to hold up our heads and realize that we have chosen the most demanding and rewarding job on this earth. Sally reminds us that being a parent is a challenging job and full of opportunities for us to grow as well as our children. Through her personal tales of motherhood, she inspires us to look for the little opportunities to encourage our children and be an example for them. We do not all find ourselves with the same opportunities, but we can use our own environment and circumstances to create a home for our families that will nurture them and help them grow into responsible, caring and thoughtful Christians."
9. Children Learn what they Live by Dorothy Law Nolte (A easy to read book. Be careful what u say and do, mummys! They are watching us intently much more than we know!) From a BUSY mum who commented "you're busy and don't have a lot of time to read it, it's perfect for you. It is also a book that you can keep in your library as your kids grow older and then pass it onto them when they start!"
10. The World is Flat by Thomas L Friedman. (an eye opener! Shocking to hear how reading Xrays can be outsourced in India) Review
"Captivating . . . an enthralling read. To his great credit, Friedman embraces much of his flat world's complexity, and his reporting brings to vibrant life some beguiling characters and trends. . . . [The World is Flat] is also more lively, provocative, and sophisticated than the overwhelming bulk of foreign policy commentary these days. We've no real idea how the twenty-first century's history will unfold, but this terrifically stimulating book will certainly inspire readers to start thinking it all through."--Warren Bass, The Washington Post
Christmas gifts for my children
I'm thinking abt getting this for eldest princess, This product is apparently very popular in States for preschoolers and I'm sure my girl will love it as she has been eyeing on our laptops all the time
Then, I just ordered this for my baby princess. Yes, I seem to favor LEAPFROG products as they are more educational and at the same time engaging!
Then, I just ordered this for my baby princess. Yes, I seem to favor LEAPFROG products as they are more educational and at the same time engaging!
outsourcing? Part-time SAHM
Thank goodness that I learnt something about outsourcing! So domestic work can be ingeniously outsourced too! Initially it was all about outsourcing the clothes to be ironed!! Hee hee no more sweating over a wrinkled working shirt or pants.
Then I finally succumbed to the idea of outsourcing a part-time domestic helper when my second one comes along. Oh she is God-sent and suddenly my burdens are lifted almost instantly. So I guess I'm considered a part-time SAHM as I have extra help and I dun feel as guilty when things aren't as clean because it wasn't done by me. My new role is just to delegate and oversee the big picture. I spend my "Quality" time with my children as I dun yell at them when they interrupted my supposed chores and NOW I'm definitely a happier mum!
Then I finally succumbed to the idea of outsourcing a part-time domestic helper when my second one comes along. Oh she is God-sent and suddenly my burdens are lifted almost instantly. So I guess I'm considered a part-time SAHM as I have extra help and I dun feel as guilty when things aren't as clean because it wasn't done by me. My new role is just to delegate and oversee the big picture. I spend my "Quality" time with my children as I dun yell at them when they interrupted my supposed chores and NOW I'm definitely a happier mum!
Stay Home Mum
Stay at home mum doesn't really sound very professional actually sounds pretty lazy and laid back. A mum that stays at home doing nothing significant???? A Tai Tai?? So what other terms can we address ourselves??? Full time mummy, homemaker, Minister of home affairs, CEO of XX family....... be it any term, it is a full time job just like any other jobs taken outside the home. However, this job is often looked down and shy away. MAYBE it is simply too mundane, and insignificant. A job that has no appraisals except from your hubby who is stingy with praises and exhausted to think about your career advancement! Lol
Do u remember washing endless loads of clothes, and dirty plates and cultery, bottles, feeding a handful mouths with different appeitite, buying fresh food, mopping dirty floors, wiping yellow mucous from sick children, running errands...somehow it seems endless. No one appreciate your effort for straightening the home diligently, and as if it was all done by a fairy God mother with a magic wand. AND when u miss one of the chore due to dire exhaustion or impending viral attack, the undone chore seems so glaring!! Somehow we aren't exempted from these MUSTDO chores!
Do u remember washing endless loads of clothes, and dirty plates and cultery, bottles, feeding a handful mouths with different appeitite, buying fresh food, mopping dirty floors, wiping yellow mucous from sick children, running errands...somehow it seems endless. No one appreciate your effort for straightening the home diligently, and as if it was all done by a fairy God mother with a magic wand. AND when u miss one of the chore due to dire exhaustion or impending viral attack, the undone chore seems so glaring!! Somehow we aren't exempted from these MUSTDO chores!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Sometime I wonder Am I cut out for this job. Mothering doesn't come so natural to me and it takes tremendous effort for me to enjoy mummyhood! Yet the truth is I wouldn't trade it for even a million bucks!!! Motherhood has helped me to see the REAL me which is pretty shocking. Never ever thought that I'm so impatient, so fierce, so quick tempered, so unorganized, so explosive yet so creative, so flexible, and so selfless.
My job as a STAYHOMEMUM is arduous for me to imbibe even though this is my fifth year. This job is a 24/7/365 work, NO PAY, NO LEAVE AND NO benefits or year end bonus! Most importantly, it is a job that is NOT very recognised, undervalued, unpaid and lonely! The truth is U hardly have a sensible adult talk except to your equally exhausted hubby who dreads to talk or even listen to u at the end of the day! And the worst thing is my talk over the phone usually gets interrupted all the time and I resorted to bending rules like giving sweets, chocolates and extended TV time just to continue a long hungered meaningful and adult conversation!
I have dreams and goals that are yet to achieve and who knows when I can. Yes it is a CHOICE. And I have chosen this path to be a SAHM. But I know this phase is a relative SHORT time for me to be committed to my children.
I remember vividly that I was praying earnestly at the corner of my daughter's bedside when she was hospitalised for projectile vomiting. We were told that she might need surgery to correct her intestines when she was barely 1 month! Thank God that she finally did not have to go through that and somehow we were told just to bring her HOME. So the story is....I blessed with two beautiful healthy children who will only be so tiny and needy for such a short time. I know I can give my BEST shot for them and try my BEST to give them my TIME NOW.
My job as a STAYHOMEMUM is arduous for me to imbibe even though this is my fifth year. This job is a 24/7/365 work, NO PAY, NO LEAVE AND NO benefits or year end bonus! Most importantly, it is a job that is NOT very recognised, undervalued, unpaid and lonely! The truth is U hardly have a sensible adult talk except to your equally exhausted hubby who dreads to talk or even listen to u at the end of the day! And the worst thing is my talk over the phone usually gets interrupted all the time and I resorted to bending rules like giving sweets, chocolates and extended TV time just to continue a long hungered meaningful and adult conversation!
I have dreams and goals that are yet to achieve and who knows when I can. Yes it is a CHOICE. And I have chosen this path to be a SAHM. But I know this phase is a relative SHORT time for me to be committed to my children.
I remember vividly that I was praying earnestly at the corner of my daughter's bedside when she was hospitalised for projectile vomiting. We were told that she might need surgery to correct her intestines when she was barely 1 month! Thank God that she finally did not have to go through that and somehow we were told just to bring her HOME. So the story is....I blessed with two beautiful healthy children who will only be so tiny and needy for such a short time. I know I can give my BEST shot for them and try my BEST to give them my TIME NOW.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Friday, November 30, 2007
My first blog
hee hee. I finally did it!!! Wow, is really not that tough afterall. I was so intimidated by IT and have been making tons of excuses to procrastinate. So now I know I have to live by by newly acquired motto : JUST DO IT!!!
The first step is the hardest and I'm proud that I havecome my fear!!!! Praise the LORD!!
The first step is the hardest and I'm proud that I havecome my fear!!!! Praise the LORD!!
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