Sunday, July 21, 2013

Happy mummy's Day!

Being a homemaker has many frustrations and pain. Work that is often unnoticed and unappreciated . But when it is not done, they look especially glaring and uncompleted. This work lacks social and intellectual stimulation and u feel so small in many people unproductive. Yet it is often seen as a tai tai's job. The truth is it is often hard to find someone to join you for a proper meal to unwind, or someone to hear your woes or joy! Most of the time, there is no pay and no leave, dun even mention MC or career advancement. There are tons of same routine work to be completed, and to answer SOS cries. If they are unanswered, sometimes u hear ugly words or behavior that hurt u more than anything in the world. Why , just because it is from your loved ones. It seems more painful..... This mundane work makes u feel demented when u can't remember the dates. .... U dun hear appraisals like well done for folding the clothes, washing the same plates again and again , going to sheng song n carry bags of groceries m blah blah....It is seen as if fairy godmother has done all these jobs, food bought by her and cooked by this magical person. When u see something that u covet, u realized u have no purchasing power. U feel guilty for spending on WANTS and tries to justify them as needs. When u want to buy luxury stuff for your parents , u think twice because budget is tight and Shi fang money is low..... Then u are intimidated by other homemakers or even working mums whose children excel in these n that.... N u wonder what have u been doing..... Again, it is a personal choice. There are pros and cons , and is not that green on the side of of the pasture.

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