These childrearing exhausting days will pass and I will miss them. Many mummies have regretted not enjoying their children moment by moment. So I told myself repeatedly that this crucial period will be the BEST DAYS of my life and I can never turn back the clock if I miss this boat. YES, it may be exhausting, but I still want to learn to enjoy my three dearest children and ENJOY EVERYDAY! I want to create pleasant memories for my family , which are far better gift than anything I can buy. I remind myself not to be a SUPERMUM, and be kind to myself and discard unrealistic expectations. I learn to take one thing at a time, one day at a time and enjoy each day as much as I can. Todays' happenings become tomorrow's history. SO what kind of history I can "create" depends on how I react today........ STAY CHEERFUL and PRAYERFUL!!!
" A cheerful heart is a good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bone." proverb 17:22
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