Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Marriage Vow

We have just celebrated our Actual wedding anniversary on the 24th July. Though it wasn't as great as the Banyan tree resort retreat, I truly enjoyed it especially the late movie and supper. It wasn't a romantic candle nite dinner but a BBQ stingray, shellfish, and craypot frog legs at a coffee shop. Yet, it was special to me..... cos I enjoyed this kind of dating again.

Then, it was time for me to reflect on this day about my vow when we went back to Chijmes, the place where we exchanged our vows 10 years ago. I vowed to love him for better AND for worse, for richer and for poorer. I realised my love for him has been quite shallow for this past 10 long years. I seem to love him more only when skies are blue and storms are away. I demand, I shout, I pout, I cry, when he doesn't reach so called my mark. I dun really understood my vow.

I strongly believe that marriage requires alot of hard work, time, and money. We need to invest in this relationship to make it work and I know I need to start from my ATTITUDE, back to the beginning of what I have promised him. To love him for better AND for WORSE. This marriage building is a lifelong process and we will never be on the same scale all the time. We are changing everyday as partners and for both of us to strike a balance requires serious commitment and GRACE. Moreover, we are experiencing many life stages with different mindsets and readiness. Parenthood is one of them that has definetly knocked us off the equalibrium scale. We are learning to juggle this dual role as lover and parent at the same time. It takes time to learn, and the key is willingness to make adjustments to still make time for one another. We have to continue to date and enjoy each other's company. What I really hate most is to live like roommates under one roof......

May this 10th year anniversary remind us that we did well for the past decade and there will be more hiccups on the way before we celebrate the next 10 year anniversay. Let us be realistic and learn to be more accomodative to each others' effort to love one another.

God please teach me to be a Godly wife who will cheer and love my dear ah -lao at ALL TIMES!!!

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