When all my three children succumbed to this UNWELCOMED HFMD recently..... we were bombarded with high fever, mouth ulcers, crankiness, poor appetite, sleepless nites. As a homemaker, I was really exhausted after fighting this war days and nites, and seeing their PD so many times. Their adamant refusal to eat, incessant whinings, outburst of sudden anger were SO legitimate that I couldn't blame them for frustrating me. But yet there was this brimming inpatience, and anger escalating in me. Somehow the little few hours breaks or retreats do not do the trick. I was still mentally tired for a long long time...... In fact, I was still quite disorientated when we finally went for Venecia's birthday celebration at Downtown East chalet after winning this WAR! Yes, I nearly packed a my entire house there just for a NIGHT! hee hee this kiasu mummy is constantly untight abt everything! NO more Hssssss pls, esp H1N1!!!
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