Hee hee, it is kind of interesting to celebrate our anniversary with 3 BIG lightbulbs!! BUT it is really amazing to witness how relaxed and loving my dear hubby was during this trip, especially knowing that he usually gets uptight with all three together. He has matured in his fatherly skills and I'm so proud of him!!! My dear ahlao has finally accepted the fact the all the 3 kids have to be OUT together and I believe this was indeed a BOLD move for him! I'm sure he also felt that he did WELL and had successfully passed thru' hiccups that went along the way! The truth is , it is not too bad if we let our hair down for some fun, mess and lots of noise!!!! Surprisingly, I enjoyed this kind of "romantic" celebration!!!!
Hi Mrs. Tan!
This is Ms. Mat, Venecia's preschool assistant teacher. ;)
Am so glad to have chance upon your lovely blog for your kids while randomly typing in Venecia's name on the search engine. Really miss the kids at mindchamps! Really would love to keep in touch with this cute little girl of yours too! (Wonders of technology) Seeing her grow and all.
I hope you arent too shocked to have me change upon your blog so so randomly! But am just glad to see a mother's love for her children, wishing for God's blessing everyday! Make me want to be like this when i eventually have a family of my own!
Hope I really dont give you a very great shock because i found this lovely blog of yours! Just really would love to keep in touch with Venecia even after Ive left mindchamps.
Anyway, am also really thankful to know that Venecia's family shares the same faith as I do! It is also my prayer that the kids I taught at mindchamps would one day come to know our Lord personally!
May God's blessings be upon your very lovely nuclear family! (Your older daughter is really sweet, and your younger son is so cute too!)
Ms. Mat (You could call me Matilda!)
WOW!!! U are indeed amazing. How did u find us.... u muz be very resourceful too! I was trying to get your contact from Aileen recently. Venecia misses you and mentions about you all the time! Miss Mat this Miss Mat that.... We actually framed up your sweet little card and she sees it everyday! I wanted to thank you, this awesome young teacher who truly bless my heart with your encouraging and wise words. I teared when I read your heartfelt card about my little princess. May God bless you this young fervent lady as u venture into adult world. U will SHINE for our Heavenly Father so much and bless many others who cross your path!!! Pls email me at mlgoh@pacific.net.sg your HP if u don't mind. We really wish to meet you again to thank you personally and I believe my children will love to meet you too!!!
agape, meiling, Venecia's mum
Hi Meiling,
Yup ive sent my hp no. to the email acc you gave.
Hope to hear from you soon.
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