I decided to surprise my dear hubby this wedding anniversary. I dressed up my 3 beautiful kids to be the flower girls and page boy, and myself as the bride. My ah lao was still sound asleep when we woke him out from his slumberland!!! It was quite chaotic initally as diddi was quite whiney..... Though the wedding "ceremony" did not turn out as planned, we all had so much fun! We exchanged new wedding bands and recommitted ourselves to this 11 years of marriage.
This purposeful "ceremony" was very significant to me. I want my kids to celebrate our love and feel secure and affirmed in our marriage. I believe Marriage is hard work and it has been so vulnerable especially in this instant love society. Our love has brought us to many places from Canada, Australia and China, and back to Singapore with this complete family of 5!!! Never thought we will have so many kids!!!! We have laughed, cried, hoped, fought, sacrificed, sang and danced in this song of love. We created a 11 years of HISTORY together and it requires intentional effort to make this 11th year marriage work. Indeed the 1 Corinthians 13 love tested and refined our love in this long journey. May our marriage continue to blossom and bless our 3 kids with a real picture about long lasting tough LOVE. Let us fight a good fight for this marriage together and celebrate many more years ahead!