Monday, April 13, 2009

Our rendezvous 10th year wedding anniversary banyan tree celebration

Wow, wow, wow!!!!!!!!

Yes the 1st wow was we finally got away miraculously WITHOUT our children after 6 long years since our firstborn's arrival! At first, I thought we would have to cancel the trip cos our dear Valerie was quite sick early that week and I finally succumbed to the virus as well. Thank Goodness we all gotten well and the other two young ones were also well. So we took a leap of faith and left QUICKLY!! My parents agreed to babysit while we jumpstart our marriage! How romantic and exhirating this trip would be without the constant harrassment from our children!!! Finally I had time to eat in peace without having to cut food into bite sizes, cajoling my children to eat and hear constant mummy mummy all the time!!! I really prefered facing my ah lao more under the moonlight and savouring my long awaited tom yum soup, thai fish cake, curry etc....

The 2nd Wow was our celebration was held at Banyan Tree Villa with our own swimming pool !!!! So can u imagine how much swimming we had!! The pool was right in front of our villa. It was so serene even if I were to be stuck in this villa! Can u imagine having wine by the pool...yes, I abstained wine for two LONG years because I was either pregnant or breastfeeding!!! So that is a BIG WOW for me, THE once in the lifetime experience for me. Yes, this is indeed a very luxurious retreat for me! Thank you my dear ah lao. I appreciate this trip alot!!!

The third WOW was we actually sat down to discuss about our marriage and children. We discussed our differences and needs as husband and wife. After answering the questionaires, I realised I have more needs than him!!!! I was pretty shocked that my hubby actually brought Bill and Pam Ferrel's parenting book as well as a bible to discuss. So I must say I'm very IMPRESSED with my hubby's seriousness!!! We also talked about critical issues concerning our three children, their differences, their developmental needs so that we can be on the same page for our parenting issues. So I must say I was rather surprised that my hubby was keen about the discussion. In fact, it was very interesting cos he was in the pool while I was sitting by the table writing minutes.......very memorable

Lastly, I asked my dearest hubby whether this celebration is only a PRELUDE cos our actual date is on 24th July!!! Hee hee.... He told me to wait for another DECADE!!!

Anyway, A BIG thank you to God who let this happened, my dear ah lao for his meticulous planning, my parents, Yaozong's parents and prayer support from friends!!!!! I'm indeed MORE refreshed, rejuvanted and relaxed as a MUMMY and wife. I sincerely proposed to my hubby to make this an yearly affair so that I'm more recharged, effective and positive as an AWESOME WIFE!!!!

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