Monday, May 16, 2016

Miracles everywhere

I kind of forget this pain till I watched this movie....tears just flowed so profusely.  

My firstborn had Distended Stomach when she was less than a month's old infant too... She was puking so much and could not pass motion. Her tummy was so bloated. Her  paediatrician Ordered us to bring her to the hospital immediately . Invasive procedures were done to help to clear her bowels....The doctors told us to get ready for surgery and pray for her so that surgery can be avoided for such a young baby.....thank God she didn't need it though a diagnosis wasn't given... Then my second born went thru surgery when she was three.. And healed her chronic inconsolable crying.... This movie speaks so much , i can totally relate that pain that the mum went thru' and the miracles that she talked about. The pain that literally tear your heart apart when u see your child suffers ... And the helplessness, loneliness and intense pain ...

Indeed everyday is a miracle , a smile, a hug, a love extended, an encouragement given , a family eating together ....

Praying dad

We 'met' daddy on the road! And the first thing he said was we interrupted his prayers!!! Lol 

I Can't be thankful enough for a such a supportive dad who stands by me unwaveringly and prays faithfully for all of us along his journeys!! 

This is my positive dad going strong at 72, all ready to work with joy and vigor! Sometimes I wonder where he gets this energy!!!  Indeed the joy of the Lord is our strength!!!! Keep smiling daddy!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Miracles everywhere

I kind of forget this pain till I watched this movie....tears just flowed so profusely.  

My firstborn had Distended Stomach when she was less than a month's old infant too... She was puking so much and could not pass motion. Her tummy was so bloated. Her  paediatrician Ordered us to bring her to the hospital immediately . Invasive procedures were done to help to clear her bowels....The doctors told us to get ready for surgery and pray for her so that surgery can be avoided for such a young baby.....thank God she didn't need it though a diagnosis wasn't given... Then my second born went thru surgery when she was three.. And healed her chronic inconsolable crying.... This movie speaks so much , i can totally relate that pain that the mum went thru' and the miracles that she talked about. The pain that literally tear your heart apart when u see your child suffers ... And the helplessness, loneliness and intense pain ...

Indeed everyday is a miracle , a smile, a hug, a love extended, an encouragement given , a family eating together ....

When I don't feel like praying for Him

Trust me , there was a season of our marriage that I struggle so much to pray for my dear hubby! I was so overwhelmed with three very young children and homemaking is against my 'natural' self.... I needed to be out , I needed fresh air, people and life! But I persisted in honesty and humility as well as tons of complaints during that trying season. I surrendered my struggle, burden and pain everyday to the only one who knows every details of my life and I even journaled those tearful prayers down. Now when I look back , I see Jesus fill me with what I was looking for and restored my marriage from water into wine!!! 

Monday, April 18, 2016

Daddy's hugs!

It is so captivating to see the kiddos go to their daddy spontaneously for their good night hugs! It seems his hugs fill up their love tanks almost immediately and they feel so assured and loved before going to their slumberland! I strongly believe they will be so rejuvenated, refreshed and renewed to start their new day tomorrow!!!! Daddy's ❤️ do make a crucial difference in their lives!!

Brave Ven!

My dear princess's thigh has three bruises due to the daily jabs. Though it is more than a year already, mummy still feel hurt that she has to go through this procedure every night. 

My dear princess, mum is super duper proud of u because you overcome your fear!! I know it is not easy and it still hurt at times, but u are so brave to let mummy administer the daily jabs! Thank you baby!❤️

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Wake up call

Gab drew this beautiful perceptive picture recently. As much as I felt it was so artistically drawn and colored, my faint heart sank. I hid my burning tears on our way home. It speaks volume. I feel 'ashamed' to even share.... 

I hated myself since my two younger kids started the so called formal schooling. I'm always behind,  late for most academic activities from
Spelling, homework,  revision, classes.... With my firstborn , It seems all well and easy. But with three kiddos in this academic race dynamic, things changed dramatically. 

Somehow everyday has been such a real struggle and pain. I start to give up play time and turn into a tigress mum to regain 'control'.  I hate this tigerish behaviour in me especially during the revision time when they challenge my boundaries and schedules.  

So beginning of the year, I was very depressed and fearful. I hated this vicious cycle of anger and control I had last year..... And last December holidays helped me to escape from that ugly obnoxious behaviour. I was back to that fun loving, creative, energetic and positive mum. Then the nightmare starts when school reopens and fear escalates when tests draw near.  

This drawing simply affirms how my son feels.... It affects him, it disturbs him, it scares him...... It should be a loud wake up call for me...I need to stop this vicious anger cycle.  A picture speaks a thousand words. It definitely makes me feel like a lousy mum..... It hurts so much because I started this mummy journey with so much love and joy. Lord, help me to parent with YOUR love, joy and wisdom!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Bible reading

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path!  

Teaching Ven to read His words and write her own prayer journal! May u enjoy this intimacy with our Heavenly Father and literally hear Him answering your prayers!

Learning from my dad

This is my dad, taking most things very positively!  And such is the typical answer my dear father will offer when I seek him for advice. I was in a panic state yet my dad simply calmly sent me this cute SMS . I  laughed out loud when he described the bat as a beautiful guest! My countenance changed almost immediately.  

My dear daddy is such an inspiration, and I always marveled at his energy level and optimism. He is 72 now and yet he is still busy at work, attending so many meetings and overseeing a few job sites.  He teaches me to see things beyond the obvious, to love life, to embrace lifelong learning and to overcome challenges!!! 

Because he sees me, my contribution very differently from the world , I can always go back to him for affirmation and direction when I'm lost and defeated . May I leave such a positive legacy to my children and children's children!

Friday, February 19, 2016

Batman is banned!!!!!

My dear son, your batman paid me a SURPRISED visit today!!! I Certainly hope he didn't come with a Bat girl hiding somewhere else!!!!😁😁😁 

Mummy is declaring batman toys are officially banned in this house!!! A sign will be put up " Batman is NOT welcomed!!!" Opps they are blind!  Oh yes!!! A wise friend advised me that spider man is not allowed too!!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Very impressive goals

Val learnt to write down her specific goals. This is something that really impress me so much!!! Sometimes I need to learn from her too; Her positive attitudes and her specific goals ! 

She isn't the netball shooter because of her height, so usually the glamour is not on her. Yet she has such positive attitude to be a great team player, supporting her teammates! Wow!!! She is my pride , my baby!!! 😘😘