Looking back at this trading album brings very nostagic feelings.... They literally grow up before my eyes! It all started with stars chart for the younger ones .... I still remember vividly how they fought for a fake poop!!!! Crying commotion was part of these events then.... We continued despite of those whining . We wanted to teach them the value of delay gratification, hard work and generosity. This tradition involves the whole family and it is gratifying to see how they 'work' hard for the things they 'want' like books, crafts, stationary n toys. One day, we shall look back at these pictures with joy and choked back tears!
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Friday, September 19, 2014
The size of blessings for ven is huge!
This mummy feels extremely defeated and drained handling this vivacious chilli padi. I know the size of blessing will be huge for her when I see the magnitude of the battle I'm fighting everyday. She humbles me and throws me a curve ball literally everyday. Both of us will grow stronger and wiser in due time. But before we head this direction, I need more and more divine help. I can't do this alone! Pray for us!!!
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Surpasses mummy at such a young age!
Now this princess is into sewing!! She learnt all the different sewing techniques all by herself! I love her creations and indeed so proud of her 'achievements!' To me, she surpasses what I did at this age! I was so lost, playful and self centred then.... But this princess is a very mature, focus, creative, self regulated and independent learner. I wish I was like her!
I told her that I want all my children do so much better than me, bless others with their gifts. And it is my desire that she brings up my grandchildren to do even better than her in the future!
By the way, She wants u guys to guess what animal is this???
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Sunday, September 14, 2014
My dearest Father!
Friday, September 12, 2014
My dearest princess Venecia
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
I'm leaving my children a legacy of ....
Monday, September 8, 2014
My EYES can talk!!!!
I'm having a bad throat and my dear hubby looks really relieved and happy! Cos he knows I can't TALK!!!! He danced and I gave him a serious stare that said:" I can talk with my eyes!!!!"