This provocative book has provided me insights into how to parent my children.
I have a clearer direction this year after years of praying, protesting and negotiating with God about this homemaking job. It seems so mundane, and difficult to gauge its success.
Finally , I found the exact traits that I want to inculcate in my kids. A stronger purpose to stay in this 'job'. It is spelt out more clearly and I can see it in a bigger picture now.
I want to parent with a purpose, immense joy and godly direction. I want to inculcate traits like grit, gratitude, forbearance, kindness, self control, gratitude, zest, optimism, social intelligence, curiosity, discipline, boldness. Hmmm it is indeed quite a long list!
I have a better idea how to get this started systematically and purposefully; maybe more role play, deliberate discussion, purposeful reading of books n watching movies concerning this traits! I'm so excited !!!!