Wednesday, September 25, 2013
A kiss on my cheek every morning
Monday, September 23, 2013
My children's daily night prayer!
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Lord, I want to embrace every moment to the fullest!
Friday, September 20, 2013
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Is ok! it happens to me too... Show Grace
Yes! I must learn to say: " is okay, it happens to me." When someone makes a mistake, I should learn to be slow in judgement and quick to show empathy. it is easy to snap and show sheer discontentment, but there are little eyes who are likely to imitate my same behavior. Most mistakes are tiny and insignificant, do we really need to give the deadly stare and place such a heavy penalty?
Like what this author shared:
"The one who notices and responds with empathy can create a ripple effect. Because compassion spreads … compassion is contagious.
I know this, I do—but in my daily life, I often forget the power of compassion. Among the busyness and the hurry, honest mistakes become bigger deals than they actually are. Among the daily distractions and pressures, small blunders are treated like major catastrophes.
How easy it is to sigh with exasperation as if my whole day is ruined by one tiny mistake that may inconvenience my life for a whole two minutes.
How easy it is to forget that I make mistakes too.
The truth hurts but the truth heals … and brings me closer to the person and parent I want to be."