I kind of forget this pain till I watched this movie....tears just flowed so profusely.
My firstborn had Distended Stomach when she was less than a month's old infant too... She was puking so much and could not pass motion. Her tummy was so bloated. Her paediatrician Ordered us to bring her to the hospital immediately . Invasive procedures were done to help to clear her bowels....The doctors told us to get ready for surgery and pray for her so that surgery can be avoided for such a young baby.....thank God she didn't need it though a diagnosis wasn't given... Then my second born went thru surgery when she was three.. And healed her chronic inconsolable crying.... This movie speaks so much , i can totally relate that pain that the mum went thru' and the miracles that she talked about. The pain that literally tear your heart apart when u see your child suffers ... And the helplessness, loneliness and intense pain ...
Indeed everyday is a miracle , a smile, a hug, a love extended, an encouragement given , a family eating together ....